Elections,Technocrats, and Sex Cults (Issue #013)
March has been an eventful month, to say the least. Forces aligned with President Trump have been scoring victories behind the scenes for...
The Second American Revolution (Issue #012)
One of the foundational purposes of this newsletter is provide insight into an ongoing battle which is being waged covertly and which the...
MK-ULTRA (Issue #011)
What if we claimed that mind control and brainwashing techniques are not only possible, but they have been in use for the last 70 years?...
Fallout: When the Levee Breaks (ISSUE #010)
Did you think overthrowing the tyrannical elite who have run this country into the ground was going to be a walk in the park? No, most...
The Memo: For Whom The Bell Tolls (ISSUE #009)
What is Open Source Intelligence? What is the Disclosure Initiative? The purpose of this newsletter might best be summarized as...
Check Mate, Deep State (ISSUE #008)
If someone asked you “What is the biggest news story of 2018 so far?” and you answered that the biggest story was President Trump...
Oh Say Can You See, by the Dawn’s Early Light? (ISSUE #007)
Happy New Year, America! Prosperity and health to you and your families, and peace and goodwill to all mankind. This writer would also...
Anatomy of the Shadow War (ISSUE #006)
When you hear the words “World War Three,” what images come to mind? Nuclear explosions? Endless columns of troops marching through...
To Kill a Mockingbird (ISSUE #005)
Imagine this. You are part of a small select group of powerful military leaders, intelligence officers, politicians, and businessmen who...
The Battle Hymn of the Republic (ISSUE #004)
Do you feel it? Can you sense it in the air? Something is occurring under the very noses of the American public, hidden in plain sight....