The Fate of the Republic (Issue #037)
When Donald Trump won a ‘surprise’ election victory in 2016 (surprising mostly to those who weren’t paying attention) the political...

Untangling the Syrian Knot (Issue #014)
Of all the events unfolding on the geopolitical stage over the recent past, OSI:DI has received more questions about the Syrian conflict...

Elections,Technocrats, and Sex Cults (Issue #013)
March has been an eventful month, to say the least. Forces aligned with President Trump have been scoring victories behind the scenes for...

MK-ULTRA (Issue #011)
What if we claimed that mind control and brainwashing techniques are not only possible, but they have been in use for the last 70 years?...

To Kill a Mockingbird (ISSUE #005)
Imagine this. You are part of a small select group of powerful military leaders, intelligence officers, politicians, and businessmen who...

State of the Union: The Alliance is Winning the Second Civil War (ISSUE #002)
If you are anything like most Americans, you might turn on the TV or browse your internet newsfeeds and think “What the hell is going on...