The Ides of March (Issue #030)
On March 15, at 3:42 pm, Attorney General Barr officially declared the National Emergency on the southern border to be in effect. The...

Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic (Issue #016)
When President Trump took office in January of 2017, the deck was certainly stacked against him. He faced a hostile press, hostile...

The Event Horizon (Issue #015)
Surely you see it now America! The Great Awakening is arriving at an ever accelerating pace and the Deep-State and their allies in the...

Fallout: When the Levee Breaks (ISSUE #010)
Did you think overthrowing the tyrannical elite who have run this country into the ground was going to be a walk in the park? No, most...

The Memo: For Whom The Bell Tolls (ISSUE #009)
What is Open Source Intelligence? What is the Disclosure Initiative? The purpose of this newsletter might best be summarized as...

Anatomy of the Shadow War (ISSUE #006)
When you hear the words “World War Three,” what images come to mind? Nuclear explosions? Endless columns of troops marching through...